Dental and Medical Counsel Blog

Veterinary Medical Board Inspection Guide

Written by Ali Oromchian, Esq. | Sep 2, 2023 4:00:00 PM

Veterinary practices are subject to inspections by the Veterinary Medical Board (VMB) to ensure compliance with laws and regulations. Being prepared for these inspections is crucial to maintaining a thriving and legally compliant practice. This article serves as an essential guide, offering veterinary practitioners key tips and considerations to effectively prepare for Veterinary Medical Board inspections.

Understanding Veterinary Medical Board Inspections

The Veterinary Medical Board conducts inspections to verify compliance with state laws, regulations, and standards. Inspections may be random or triggered by specific concerns or complaints.

These inspections assess various aspects of a veterinary practice, including medical records, patient care, facility cleanliness, medication storage, controlled substance management, and compliance with licensing and continuing education requirements.

Tips for Effective Inspection Preparedness

  1. Maintain Accurate and Organized Medical Records: One of the primary areas of focus during a Veterinary Medical Board inspection is the examination of medical records. Ensure that all patient medical records are complete, accurate, and up to date. Review records for proper documentation of examinations, diagnoses, treatments, and medications. Organize records in a systematic manner, such as by patient or date, facilitating easy access during inspections. Regularly audit medical records to identify and address any deficiencies or areas for improvement.

  2. Compliance with Licensing and Continuing Education Requirements: Regularly review and confirm that all veterinarians and staff members hold current and valid licenses. Keep track of continuing education credits to ensure compliance with required training and professional development. Maintain accurate records of licensing and continuing education, making them easily accessible for inspection purposes. Establish a system to track renewal dates and ensure timely license renewals.

  3. Facility Cleanliness and Maintenance: A clean and well-maintained facility is crucial for the health and safety of both animals and staff. Regularly clean and disinfect exam rooms, surgical areas, equipment, and common areas. Establish and follow cleaning protocols, ensuring compliance with hygiene standards. Properly dispose of medical waste and ensure compliance with relevant regulations. Implement a preventive maintenance plan to address any facility-related issues promptly.

  4. Medication and Controlled Substance Management: The proper management of medications and controlled substances is critical to ensure patient safety and compliance with regulations. Establish protocols for proper storage, inventory control, and documentation of medications and controlled substances. Ensure compliance with recordkeeping requirements, including accurate and up-to-date logs for dispensing and administering controlled substances. Implement security measures to prevent unauthorized access to medications and controlled substances.

  5. Team Training and Communication: Effective communication and well-trained staff members are essential during a Veterinary Medical Board inspection. Educate staff members about inspection protocols and their roles during an inspection. Train staff on proper procedures for handling inspections, including interacting with inspectors and providing requested documentation. Conduct regular training sessions to reinforce compliance with regulations, standards, and best practices. Encourage open communication among staff members to address any concerns or potential areas for improvement.

  6. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Staying informed about current veterinary laws, regulations, and practice standards is crucial for successful inspection preparedness. Regularly review and update policies and procedures to ensure compliance with the latest requirements. Conduct periodic self-audits to identify and address any areas of noncompliance proactively. Establish a culture of compliance within the practice, emphasizing the importance of adhering to laws and regulations in providing quality veterinary care.

  7. Communication with Veterinary Medical Board: Maintaining open lines of communication with the Veterinary Medical Board is vital for a smooth inspection process. Respond promptly to any requests for information, inquiries, or notifications from the board. Cooperate fully with the Veterinary Medical Board during inspections, addressing any concerns or deficiencies identified. Establish a designated contact person within the practice to liaise with the board and facilitate effective communication.


Being prepared for Veterinary Medical Board inspections is vital to maintaining a successful and compliant veterinary practice. By adhering to best practices such as maintaining accurate medical records, complying with licensing and continuing education requirements, ensuring facility cleanliness, proper medication management, staff training, and open communication with the Veterinary Medical Board, veterinary practitioners can effectively navigate inspections and ensure the delivery of high-quality care.

Seeking guidance from Dental and Medical Counsel (DMC), legal professionals experienced in veterinary practice regulations, can provide invaluable support throughout the inspection process, ensuring a positive outcome and continued success in veterinary practice. Remember, being prepared is the key to a successful inspection and a thriving veterinary practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the purpose of Veterinary Medical Board inspections for veterinary practices?

A: Veterinary Medical Board inspections ensure compliance with state laws, regulations, and standards, maintaining a legally compliant and thriving practice.

Q: Why is preparation essential for Veterinary Medical Board inspections?

A: Being prepared allows veterinary practitioners to showcase compliance with regulations, improving the inspection process's outcome.

Q: How can Dental and Medical Counsel (DMC) assist with inspection preparedness?

A: We, at Dental and Medical Counsel (DMC), provide expert guidance and legal counsel to help veterinary practices effectively prepare for inspections.

Q: What aspects does the Veterinary Medical Board inspect during visits?

A: Inspections cover various areas, including medical records, patient care, facility cleanliness, medication management, and licensing compliance.

Q: How can veterinary practices ensure accurate and organized medical records for inspections?

A: Maintain complete and up-to-date patient records and organize them systematically. We can provide guidance to improve record-keeping practices.

Q: What role does compliance with licensing and continuing education play during inspections?

A: Compliance with licensing and continuing education requirements is crucial. We assist in tracking and ensuring timely renewals for veterinarians and staff.

Q: How can veterinary practices maintain a clean and well-maintained facility for inspections?

A: Establish cleaning protocols, proper waste disposal, and preventive maintenance plans. We can advise on compliance with hygiene standards.

Q: What guidance can Dental and Medical Counsel (DMC) offer for medication and controlled substance management?

A: We provide protocols for proper storage, inventory control, and recordkeeping, ensuring compliance and patient safety during inspections.

Q: How can team training and communication contribute to successful inspections?

A: Properly trained staff and effective communication are vital. We offer training sessions to help staff handle inspections and address concerns.

Q: Why is communication with the Veterinary Medical Board crucial for inspection preparedness?

A: Maintaining open lines of communication and cooperation during inspections are essential. We can assist as a designated point of contact for effective communication.

At Dental & Medical Counsel, PC, we understand navigating the legal process can be tricky. We believe every doctor deserves the best advice and service so doctors can do what they do best, treat their patients. We make their lives easier by providing expert guidance, so they can focus on their personal and professional aspirations.

About Ali Oromchian, Esq.

Ali Oromchian, JD, LL.M. is the founding attorney of the Dental & Medical Counsel, PC law firm and is renowned for his expertise in legal matters

In addition to practicing law for almost 20 years, Ali is also a renowned speaker, throughout North America, on topics such as practice transitions, employment law, negotiation strategies, estate planning, and more! Ali has helped hundreds of optometrists realize their professional goals and looks forward to aiding you in navigating the legal landscape.