Dental and Medical Counsel Blog

3 Tips to Dealing with Workplace Disagreements

February 23, 2018
Workplace Disagreements

When people work in close proximity with one another, disagreements are bound to arise. Some smaller issues will work themselves out with time. But bigger issues, such as those related to workplace policies and/or disciplinary measures, are unlikely to simply go away. As an employer, you do not want to involve yourself in every petty or minor dispute. But handling bigger issues quickly and effectively is crucial to ensuring the continued success of your practice. Here are some suggestions for handling office issues in a positive manner:

Don’t wait for the problem to resolve itself

This is always the most tempting way to deal with conflict. But not resolving a dispute right away leads to further fighting, resentment, and confusion. Plus, even if you hope that a disagreement has dissipated, it will only come up again and again if there has been no true resolution.

Don’t presume that an issue only affects those in disagreement with one another

Relationships among coworkers can be similar to a family dynamic. Infighting makes situations hostile, and forces bystanders to choose a side. Even your patients can be affected when the hostility among your staff can no longer be hidden. What may seem like a small problem at first can become much bigger and can impact everyone associated with your business if not resolved.

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Don’t meet with parties separately

If you truly want to get to the bottom of an issue, meet with the disagreeing parties together. This will eliminate any concerns over who said what and what explanations were given. Let each party present his or her position, without interruption from the other side. Ask questions, and then make a decision as to how best to resolve the dispute. If the argument is a personal one in which there is no “right” or “wrong” answer, then make it clear to the parties that you are here to hear them out, but that you expect them to work with one another as professional adults and that you will not take sides.

By making yourself available to your staff to mediate disagreements, then you can avoid having your business derailed by employee disputes. Treat your workers with respect and make it clear that you expect them to treat one another in the same way. Also, don’t be afraid to remind your staff that if they cannot work together, then you may be forced to take disciplinary action.

Contact Dental & Medical Counsel

At Dental & Medical Counsel, we specialize in helping healthcare practices navigate the complexities of employment law. We provide tailored advice to ensure your procedures comply with legal standards and protect your practice from potential legal issues. Contact us today to speak with our legal experts. We can help safeguard your practice and maintain a compliant, respectful workplace environment. If you would like to learn more about our services and how we can help you or your dental or medical practice, please contact us below.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is it important not to wait for a problem to resolve itself?
A: Waiting for a problem to resolve itself can lead to further fighting, resentment, and confusion. Issues that are not addressed will continue to resurface until there is a true resolution.

Q: How can unresolved issues among staff affect the workplace environment?
A: Unresolved issues can create a hostile work environment, force bystanders to choose sides, and even affect patients if the hostility becomes visible. A small problem can grow and impact everyone associated with the business if not resolved.

Q: Why should you avoid meeting with disputing parties separately?
A: Meeting with disputing parties separately can lead to misunderstandings about what was said and what explanations were given. It is more effective to meet together, allowing each party to present their position without interruption, which helps in reaching a clear and fair resolution.

Q: What should you do if the argument has no clear "right" or "wrong" side?
A: If an argument has no clear "right" or "wrong" side, it is important to hear both parties out and make it clear that you expect them to work together professionally. You should not take sides but ensure that they understand the importance of treating each other with respect and working together.

Q: How can an employer's involvement in mediating disputes benefit the business?
A: By making yourself available to mediate disputes, you can prevent employee disagreements from derailing your business. Treating workers with respect and expecting them to treat each other the same way helps maintain a positive work environment.

Q: What should you remind your staff if they cannot work together?
A: Remind your staff that if they cannot work together, disciplinary action may be necessary. It's important to enforce the expectation of professional behavior and cooperation among team members.

Q: How can we learn more about services that can help with handling workplace issues?
A: To learn more about services that can help with handling workplace issues in dental or medical practices, you can contact us for further information.


About the Author

At Dental & Medical Counsel, we've been instrumental in realizing the practice goals of countless dentists. Whether you're looking to purchase, launch, or sell a dental practice, our expertise is your guide. Beyond the initial stages, we're committed to ensuring your dental practice remains legally compliant.

We provide comprehensive support, including employment law protections, dental contract reviews, and assistance with dental employment agreements. Additionally, we specialize in incorporating dental practices and securing trademarks. And for long-term planning, our services extend to helping dentists with succession and estate planning. Trust us to be your partner in every step of your dental practice journey.

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About Ali Oromchian, Esq.

Your Dental Lawyer

Ali Oromchian, JD, LL.M. is the founding attorney of the Dental & Medical Counsel, PC law firm and is renowned for his expertise in legal matters

Ali Oromchian, JD, LL.M., is a leading legal authority in dental law and the founding attorney of Dental & Medical Counsel, PC, with over two decades of experience. His deep connection to dentistry comes from his wife's nearly two-decade-long career as a pediatric dentist. 

This personal insight fuels his dedication to empowering dentists to navigate their legal challenges and achieve their practice goals. In doing so, Ali has helped thousands of doctors open their practices while maintaining legal compliance. 

Ali is frequently quoted and contributes articles to dental publications, including the California Dental Society, Progressive Dentist, Progressive Orthodontists, Dentistry Today, Dentaltown, and The New Dentist magazines, further showcasing his commitment to the dental community.


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