Dental and Medical Counsel Blog

Fighting the Winter Workplace Blues

January 3, 2018
Fighting the Winter Workplace Blues

Once the holidays have passed and we’ve had some time to adjust to the new year, the winter blues can set in in a big way. This feeling affects more than just your employees: tax-time exhaustion and grey skies can leave you feeling a little blah yourself. If you’ve been feeling a little less-than-enthused when heading into work lately, your employees are likely feeling the same. Here are some suggestions for fighting winter burnout:

  • Do something unexpected. Bring in breakfast for your employees. Have a “cutest pet picture” contest. Schedule a Hawaiian shirt day. These might seem like silly, meaningless gestures, but they can go a long way towards breaking the monotony of those pre-Spring months. 
  • Take a personal day. Yes, even bosses need a day off. If taking an impromptu day off is not feasible, then schedule a day in the near future to get out of the office and do something non-work-related. If you are burned out and short-tempered, then some time away from the office will be good, both for you and for your staff. 
  • Recognize your top employees. You may be surprised what a difference a little positivity can make when it comes to your workforce. Spend some time recognizing one or more of your workers for good performances, or positive feedback from a patient, etc. Not only will your recognition be valued by your workers, but it can also help to remind you of all of the good work being done in your practice. Sometimes, a little good news is all we need to get us through to Spring.

The long winter can leave anyone feeling a bit down in the dumps. Take the lead when it comes to positive attitudes in your office, and recognize that you have the power to change someone’s day for the better - even when that someone is you.

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